Religious Education

Religious Education at Sacred Heart College develops students’ knowledge and understandings of Christianity in the light of Jesus and the Gospel, and its unfolding story and diversity within contemporary Australian and global society. It expands students’ spiritual awareness and religious identity, fostering their capacities and skills of discerning, interpreting, thinking critically, seeking truth and making meaning. It challenges and inspires their service to others and engagement in the Church and the world.

Learning Opportunities:

  • Year 7 Units: Sacred Heart College, Jesus & Prayer and Creation
  • Year 8 Units: Being Catholic, Being a Moral Person, Catholic Social Teaching & The Golden Rule
  • Year 9 Units: Christian Love, The Church in Australia, First Nations and Eco Spirituality, Mary and Women in the Church
  • Year 10 Units: Ethics, Study of Other Religions, Fully Human, Fully Divine, Spirituality