College Expectations and Guidelines

Sacred Heart College strives to provide a safe, caring and supportive school environment to help each student reach their full potential. Shared responsibility and the dignity and worth of every member of the College Community are cornerstones of our Vision and Mission Statements. We uphold these by showing and promoting respect for oneself, for others and for the environment in which we work.

We expect the highest standard of behaviour of our students, to maintain a positive, productive and safe learning and teaching environment for students and staff and to ensure all members of our College Community feel welcome, safe and experience a sense of belonging.

Students are encouraged to regularly consider and reflect on the College’s C.A.R.E Expectations (Co-operation, Achievement, Respect, Empathy) in an effort to consistently demonstrate positive behaviours. These standards extend beyond the boundaries of our College.

Sacred Heart College follows a School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) Framework - a system approach for establishing the social culture and behaviour support needed for a school to be an effective social and learning environment for all students and staff. Its features include:

  • Explicit teaching of positive social expectations
  • Clarity about what those expectations are
  • Acknowledgment and rewards for appropriate behaviour
  • Consistent consequences for unacceptable behaviour
  • The use of collected data about behaviour to inform decisions

Working in partnership with parents we encourage students to foster a sense of personal responsibility and self-discipline. Sacred Heart College students are expected to:

Show respect for MYSELF by

  • arriving at school, and to classes, on time and with all the equipment required
  • wearing the correct uniform
  • observing College expectations about make-up, jewellery, and hairstyles
  • being positive and productive
  • being present and attentive (phones off and away, no head phones in class)
  • doing my best and asking for help when I don’t understand what I have to do
  • taking care of my belongings
  • using my Student Diary appropriately
  • being involved in College life as much as I can

Show respect for OTHERS by

  • recognising that all students and teachers have a right to do their best in the classroom, in sport, in outreach activities or cultural pursuits
  • making positive contributions to class discussions and group work
  • listening to others when it is their turn to speak and respecting their right to express opinions that may be different to mine
  • moving in a safe manner in classrooms, corridors and in the yard
  • using appropriate language
  • avoiding bullying behaviours and not tolerating it in others
  • being courteous and well-mannered to all members of the College Community
  • consistently demonstrating respectful behaviour when representing the College on excursions, on the bus and within the local community.

Show respect for the ENVIRONMENT by

  • taking care of all College property and facilities
  • Maintaining our College environment by using the recycling and waste bins provided in the classrooms, corridors and playground to dispose of packaging, litter and food scraps.
  • observing school expectations about items that have the potential to be harmful or damaging to our environment, including aerosol deodorants, chewing gum, white-out fluid and permanent markers