The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is a youth development programme aimed at young Australians with the intention of empowering them to reach their full potential by finding their passion, purpose and place in the world.

The Award is designed to help participants develop a range of skills through the completion of four categories:

  • physical activity
  • skills
  • voluntary service
  • adventurous journey

Each activity helps students to develop their social, emotional, intellectual, and physical skills and better prepares them for their future. Through the completion of the award students are able to gain TCE points which carry over to College and help assist them to gain their High School Certificate.

At Sacred Heart College, students in Years 9 and 10 can select The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award as a elective subject.

The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award is also offered as an extra curricular activity, similar to afterschool sport or music. We have three Award Leaders who are available to provide support and help students identify opportunities to fulfil all aspects of the Award.

SHC became an Award Centre in 2021. Over 2022 /2023 our Award Leaders have supported thirty nine students to achieve their Bronze Level Award and six students have progressed to achieve their Silver Award.

In 2024, we have 45 active participants completing the Award:

  • 34 completing Bronze Level
  • 9 completing Silver Level
  • 3 completing Gold Level

If you have any questions or would like to find out more about The Award at Sacred Heart College, please email